About Witheridge Voice
Serving the village and parish of Witheridge
The magazine is delivered free to households in and near the village; additional copies are delivered to the Newsagents (Two Moors Store) and to the Central Stores (Post Office) 3-4 days after the printed copy has been distributed, and are free. The Downloadable copy is available 5-6 days later.
Publication and copy deadline dates
Publication is four times a year: Winter (late January), Spring (late April), Summer (mid-August) and Autumn (late October). The deadline for advertising and editorial copy is four weeks before the publication date (therefore late December for the Winter issue, late March for the Spring issue, mid-July for the Summer issue and late September for the Autumn issue).
Advertising and event publicity
Please see our advertising rate card for formats of and costs for advertising in the printed magazine.
We are happy to put up a Poster on this website publicising your event in Witheridge or the wider area. This is a free service for most events.
How the magazine is run
The magazine and this website are produced by volunteers as a non-commercial venture. The advertising carried is used to fund the costs of publishing, web hosting, and other essential expenses. Any profit arising from the advertising is reinvested in the magazine.
The magazine committee holds an Annual General Meeting on a weekday evening in June each year, in Witheridge Parish Hall. The date and time are announced in the Spring issue of the magazine. Anyone who is interested is very welcome to come along.
The Small Print
Send us an e-mail …
About this website (including event publicity requests), to the Webmaster. witheridgevoicewebmaster@gmail.com
About the magazine generally, to the Editor. ruthandjo9@outlook.com
About advertising in the magazine, to the Treasurer. advert.treasure.voice@gmail.com
The magazine is free to download for personal use.
All text and images in the magazine and on this site are subject to copyright. Please seek permission before copying anything.
We do not use cookies on this website, so we store nothing on your device.
We do not embed any third-party content on this website.
We do not, without prior consent, store or publish on this website any personal data that is not otherwise publicly available.
If you follow a link from this website to a third-party website, the privacy terms of the latter will then apply.